Self Sensory
One of the most unique, and potentially challenging, parts of the Aquarian Age is the speed at which things move.
It feels as though the landscape is changing every day and, well, it is. This is why it is so essential to develop your intuition and what is called the self-sensory system.
The self sensory system is the process that occurs once your ten bodies are awakened, sensitive, calibrated and working together.
Your ten bodies include:
1. The Soul Body - The indivisible vibration that is you beyond time and space.
2. The Negative Mind - That which sees possible pitfalls and potholes in the road ahead—protective.
3. The Positive Mind - That which sees all the opportunities available to you in any given moment—supportive.
4. The Neutral Mind - That which synthesizes all data from the negative and positive minds and gives a directive of action or inaction based on the needs of the soul—your
true you.
5. The Physical Body That which we know as the physiological, biological beingness.
6. The Arcline - The baseline auric structure that holds incarnational patterns and blessings. It runs from earlobe to earlobe in both men and women. A second arcline extends from nipple to nipple in women only.
7. The Aura - The combined energetic field of your chakras, which are wheels of energy generated by dense crosshairs of nerve fibers and biochemicals, and which have actual location in the physical body.
8. The Pranic Body - That which holds your life force in the physical form. It is regulated by the breath.
9. The Subtle Body - Also known as the ghost's body and the astral body. When your physical body perishes, the subtle body and the soul body join together and travel to the next stage of being—whatever that is. The subtle body is attenuated, deeply artistic, and profound.
10. The Radiant Body - The body that glorifies you, allows you to project into the world, and attracts success and also dispels negativity and darkness wherever you go.
When all ten bodies are running high, connecting to each other, and operating with your cognitive mind engaged, you begin to see how truly data rich reality is.
This level of spirit based self-guidance is inspiring and deeply self-satisfying.
I want you to learn more about the self-sensory system, so I am sharing this clip from Destiny Path group call earlier this year. Take a listen.
I want you to know and feel your own opulence and gorgeousness. You can experience it through your self-sensory system.