

Harmanjot has been an authority in Kundalini yoga for over 15 years.

From 2008 - 2021, she was instrumental in opening and growing the three RA MA Institutes (Los Angeles, New York City, Palma de Mallorca), studying under and working side by side with her teacher, Guru Jagat. Building RA MA from the grass roots into a juggernaut of spiritual consciousness, Harmanjot assisted in the writing of Invincible Living, was the producer of Reality Riffing, and was the Director of Programming and Curriculum.

With Guru Jagat’s passing, Harmanjot began to spearhead a new direction of bridging the sacred and secular worlds.

As a teacher, Harmanjot maintains a year-round, global teaching schedule and has partnered with L’Oréal USA, La Double J, Neo Nutritions and others. Her client list includes everyone from Academy Award winners to university students to single working-moms.

Dedicated to bridging the worlds of spirituality and applied living, Harmanjot maintains a rigorous business life outside of teaching. She is the founder of Naad Pods, a wearable tech device, the host of In the Naad podcast, the founder of Upanishads Clean Fragrance, and has two television projects in development.

Committed to the vision of the “sun-rising world” Harmanjot’s mission is to help build that energy within and materially.

Her home-base is Los Angeles home where she lives with her dharmically driven husband and two children.