Infinity Ma:

The Mother Principle

Nourishment for all individuals, especially mothers and moms-to-be.…

Most moms feel lost, alone, confused and under supported to perform their critical, sacred role.

Infinity Ma: The Mother Principle is about biological, emotional, psychological, energetic and social nourishment for all individuals, especially mothers and moms-to-be.

In this month-long, self paced program with Harmanjot:

Learn how nourish yourself, receive mitochondrial support, discover your patterns of rest and rejuvenation and what to do when you can’t get that.

Receive permission to own your emotional landscape as well as quick, easy to integrate tools that help you stay deep when feel like you have to put your own process on pause.

Develop your neutrality and confidence in your beautiful new cognition.

A woman has 16x more electromagnetic power to her fields because of the mother principle. You need a massive amount of energetic nourishment. Get it in this Infinity Ma course.

Build a network and community with others who are using these gentle, sophisticated tools to nurture themselves and support the care of their children.

And so much more.

Being a mother requires a special kind of nutrition. Given that you must protect, nourish, care for and shepherd your child(ren), as well as nurture, cultivate and deliver yourself, a mother’s nutrient requirement is intensive and diverse.

After thousands of years of matrilineal deactivation, it is time to awake the true kaleidoscope of beauty of the mother force.

It is time to feed yourself. 

Program includes: 25 hours of self-paced Kundalini yoga classes, PDF downloads, worksheets and supporting class materials.